Tag Archives: nba playoffs

Fear the Deer (Video)

The playoffs are getting heated.  And these two teams got some serious beef.

Where Will Amazing Happen This Year?

Welcome back to the 3rd installment of my NBA Playoff analysis.  It’s been a fun ride so far but 12 teams have “gone fishing” as Kenny Smith would say and only four are left now.  Predictably, the remaining teams represent the top two seeded teams in their respective conferences.  Shall we just jump right into the nitty gritty?


#1 Cleveland Cavaliers vs. #2 Orlando Magic:

We can finally watch Lebron and Dwight hoist up half court shots every other day, sweet!  As always, I am right and both teams I predicted to win won.  I expected the Hawks to be more of a formidable opponent for the Cavaliers but Lebron and company definitely took care of business.  Granted, the Hawks had some key injuries, I am now convinced that Cleveland is the team to beat, east or west.

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"Don’t You Know You’re Hitting Ron Artest?"

By far, the quote of the week!

“You hittin’ the wrong person. Don’t you know you’re hitting Ron Artest?” -Ron Artest to Kobe

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The On-Time Analysis of the NBA Playoffs, 2nd Round

Let’s go, onto the second round!  And what a first round it was!  Fo’ sho’!  And I’m saying this strictly off one series and you all know what I’m talking about.  What an intense series.  Personally, I was hoping for a Willis Reed-type moment with The Big Ticket suiting up but unfortunately, the Celtics organization and Garnett himself care too much about the rest of his career (although this year was probably their last legitimate chance at another title).  Also, let me take a second to gloat how I picked all the right teams to win the opening rounds.  Yeah, I’m nice…and now, onto the analysis of the second round.


#1 Cleveland Cavaliers vs. #4 Atlanta Hawks
I predict this series to not be so easy for the Cavs.  Atlanta Hawks is talented but more importantly, they are athletic.  I’m not going to say Josh Smith can guard Lebron but I will say he is one of the more capable players in the L that can stay with him in all aspects (size, speed and strengthwise).  With that being said, King James will still average 28, 8 and 7, easy.  The determining factor of this series, I think, will be the role of Lebron’s supporting cast.  I know my focus is only on the Cavs but that’s because they’re going to win, point blank.  There will be some great matchups though, with the one already mentioned, Mo Williams vs. Mike Bibby, Delonte West vs. Joe Johnson, Hortson vs. the various big men on the Cavaliers.  I want to say Cleveland wins in four or five but because of the Hawks’ potency, I believe the series will end in six.  We’ll see.

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Another NBA x [Rapper] Production


Synergy of two of my favorite things in life.

Thank you FlyStyleLife